Friday, December 05, 2008


I got a new Honda Pilot and I LOVE it! 8 seats! What a blessing! No more minivan! I hated that thing. the radio and just whole system went out a while ago in the minivan (the boys and I call it the Mini-Spinny. It's from Yo Gabba Gabba) and I've noticed something was missing from my life. Well now that I have music, my life feels much more rich and lively! I always need music.


Hadley Family Clan! said...

Oh my gosh I am so excited and happy for you. You totally deserve the BEST and you will have to post a picture of it on the blog. So is another baby missing or has the SUV filled that:). Are you bringing it tomorrow night to show off? I am totally excited to see you.

Marvia said...

What year is your Honda Pilot? I just looked at the official site for the 2009 Pilot... wooo!!! That is a sweet ride. If that's what you got, great job! :) Love it for me. :)

The Barb Chronicles said...

Hey. I want to see mom's new ride! Congrats! When we sold our Expedition I was so sad, and now I am a mini van mom. If I new that gas would go back down we would of kept it. bummer.

Linz said...

Oh how exciting!! CONGRATS! One day I will join that crowd!! I CANT WAIT!! I am dying to have a bigger car!

james n mary said...

you totally did not seem like a mini-van gal to me sarah!!! yay for your pilot! we have a sporty car and a suv. it's sooo nice to have both! and yes, i'm 100% sure our camera is lost. either in la jolla somewhere by the sea lions or at a border patrol stop on the way back. oh well, time for a new one!