Tuesday, December 16, 2008

4 years!

4 years baby! Thank you for being my best friend, shoulder to cry on, companion to laugh with, movie critic to watch movies with, diner to dine with, partner to discipline with, buddy to travel with, confidant to trust and my EVERYTHING! Thank you for the 2 boys you brought into my life and for the 1 little one you helped me create. You're everything to me and I look forward to our lives together for the rest of eternity. Happy Anniversary!

Our first date! Oakland A's game in Oakland, Ca.

The night we got engaged.Few weeks before the wedding

December 16, 2004
Dining on our honeymoon in Cancun
Second honeymoon in Monterey, 2008


Grandma a/k/a Kathy said...

Happy Anniversary!! And thank you both for the three cute boys we get to see and live next door to! Love ya!

Jamie said...

Happy Anniversary you two. Congrats!

Kasey said...

Happy Anni! Gotta ask you a question though...Did Matt ever smile?!?! Hope you have somehthing fun and exciting to do like we did...but I don't recommend a funeral. See you tomorrow!

J,B,A,P Hatch said...

Happy anniversary! You look great! I love the wedding pic's!

Agnes said...

Happy Anniversary Guys!! How fun! I loved all the pictures from the past...You guys are great!

Linz said...

Happy Anniversary!! That is so great!!

Auburn said...

yeah! congrats.

Nate&Mindi said...

Happy anniversary!! You're as beautiful and young looking now as you were four years ago! You guys are a great looking couple!Congrats!

james n mary said...

awww! i love it.

Jeff and Lindsey said...

Gorgeous! These are great - and, um, you look like freakiing Exotic Barbie in the pics of your wedding!!