Sunday, September 07, 2008

29 what?

I feel old. It's weird. I loved my early twenty's. They are now just mere memories....great ones at that. Well, I felt young last night out to dinner with Matt as we laughed a lot, did not have any cares and just enjoyed each other's company out to dinner. We went to The Green House in North Scottsdale at the Kierland Commons. It's our favorite little "vacation" (cause it's so darn far) eatery on special occasions. It was dee-lish! It is all organic, locally grown healthy foods with free range meats. I love that! That kind of stuff is very important to me.
Here are some pictures of my birthday (which is really today) night.

Matt checking the ASU game scores. heheheMy dinner was unbeleiveably good. Scallops, snap peas, cauliflower and a yummy sauce.

Oh how I love Shirley Temples.
Make a wish! Strawberry rhubarb cobbler.


Courtney said...

Happy Birthday! I love the Green House and was introduced on my birthday too! Here is to 29!

Marvia said...

Sarah, I was thinking of you yesterday on your birthday. It looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating. :) We celebrated Audrey's birthday yesterday (it was her due date, she wanted to come later) and I kept thinking of memories I've had with you. Love you lots, Sarah!

TheBassettBunch said...

Happy Birthday! Next time you come out to Cali, let me know, we would love to drive down and see you! It has been soooo long! Anyway, you and your hubby look soooo in love! Good for you! Hope your birthday was great!

Castle Family said...

Thank you for the advice :) Hope you had a lovely B-day :)

Jeff and Lindsey said...

The place sounds great! If you ever make it up to Salt Lake, you should try "Everybody Eats" - locally grown, organic food - different menu everyday and you pay what you can!
Happy Birthday! And, eh-hem - I have no sympathy for your 29 candles!

Linz said...

HAPPY BIRFDAY! Sounds like it was a good one!

Carol said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day. I love date with husbands, they make the best presents :)

Agnes said...

I'm glad you had a fun night with your man! 29 sounds old but it's NOT, you're still in the 20's! Plus you're still beautiful! Happy Happy Birthday Sarah! I need to get your gift to you! :)

Lanae said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like you had fun night out, no kids can't beat that present.

Marvia said...

I just realized that your last birthday we celebrated together was your 19th birthday!!! That was 10 years ago!!! Not that I need to point that out. It is amazing to me how much life has changed in the past 10 years. To look at where we were and what consumed our thoughts to where we are now.

Raina said...

Happy Birthday!!! Your still young girl! That sound like a fun place to eat!

Trina J. said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! I feel like we haven't seen you for so long! Thank goodness for blogs to help us keep up to date. Love you! Trina