Saturday, August 09, 2008

Such Fun!

It's 10:30pm on Saturday night and as much as the children should be in bed, we are doing this....watching the Olympics cause they are just AWESOME this year in Beijing. Did anyone see the opening ceremony? Um yeah, I almost cried when 2,008 incredibly talented Chinese men played those drums. How amazing was that!!!!? As oppressed as the Chinese people have been in the past, I am so happy that they are having their time to really shine and show their beautiful culture and country.


Raina said...

Yes, it was great! I saw a little when I was at someone else's house.
You are great at updating your blog

Agnes said...

FUN!!! they'll always remember getting to stay up late and watch the opening ceremony with you guys!

Debbie said...

I missed the opening ceremonies but I heard they were never to be rivaled again...they were that good. But we have enjoyed many of the events. It's so fun to see teams and individuals do so well. What a huge sacrifice they have made to be the best in their sport and it's great to see those sacrifices coming full circle for them. We are rooting for all to do their best!

The Barb Chronicles said...

We were in the same boat. I think I will get more sleep when Michael Phelps is done racing. It's just soooo much fun to watch!