Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oh so sweet...

I was cleaning up the kitchen earlier and heard a male voice singing very softly. I went into Alec's room and saw Matt with my almost 3 year old in the rocking chair like this. My heart melted.

We never rocked Alec to sleep because we didn't want him getting used to it. Now that he's almost 3, it's impossible to get him to be still for one second, let alone enough time to rock him to sleep...but my sweetheart husband I guess wanted to feel the newborn baby feel (we're a little baby hungry).


Kasey said...

I think that is adorable! I rocked Todd forever! But it was just for naps. I remember last year, he was 5, rocking him and I thought it was a little silly. I told my mom and she said one day they won't let you, so did it till they won't. I did it several more times after and never felt silly again. I say, let them be little, for they're only that way for a while!

The Barb Chronicles said...

Baby hungry... that is a dangerous feeling in our house, but it's almost cured being only 24 days from delivery, send your hubby up here in between snowboard runs and he can hold little Madi!

Jamie said...

That's so cute. It puts it into perspective how little he really is still though that he can fit in Matt's arms like that. I love Alec's one eye in that picture.

Marvia said...

What a tender moment! I'm having a hard time imagining that I will be holding a newborn in a couple days and my baby is just 14 months. The contrast between them will be incredible, I'm sure. Love you, Sarah.

james n mary said...

no way! looks like matt found the way to calm down always-on-the-go-alec! i love it.

Kristin said...

Totally Cute!!! We never rocked Ben either... now he reads books with us before bed.. but sometimes Brent or I take him out of bed when hes asleep just for a 10 minute snuggle!!

The Blakes said...

Very tender. I love those moments.

Karla said...

That is SO sweet! We're baby hungry, too. Well at least I am. Mike is there every once in awhile. :) I LOVE holding Natalie like a baby. She lets me do it sometimes. I wish it was more often!

Grandma a/k/a Kathy said...

How sweet and precious that picture is. A true treasure for sure! I'm glad you are baby hungry! My grandma arms are feeling kind of empty these days and my own kids aren't cooperating! ha! Love ya!

james n mary said...

isn't joel mchale the funniest?! and he doesn't curse in his live routine like other comedians do! it was totally fun. and he has the cuuutest kids ever too! he had his crawler on the keith olberman show a week ago!

and you are waaaay cute too! you always look good - even when you're prego! sooo jealous!

just the five of us said...

I rocked my 2 older girls for a long time, i felt guilty for working to much. I don't think rocking hurts, someday they don't want to be anywhere near hang to precious moments whenever you can.

It's like that country song "Your gonna miss this"

Agnes said...

I LOVE that post!!! Too cute! what a good man! That "baby hungry" thing never goes away till your sick everyday and newly pregnant :)
I would love to see a little Painter gal!!!

Lanae said...

what a precious picture. there is something so wonderful about little boys.

Carol said...

ok your heart almost melted...mine almost melted - that is sooo stinking cute!!

ps - saw you saturday night working, we were going to say hi but you were helping some guy so we didn't want to interupt but you looked awesome!