Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's that time of year......

where my gratitude cup overflows with feelings of overwhelming thanks. My top ten reasons to be thankful. In random order.

-Having a body that was able to sustain a violently nauseas pregnancy.

-Being able to give birth in a clean, sterile environment that paved the way for a healthy beautiful baby boy who is coming up on his 3rd year.

-3 little boys who never miss an opportunity to tell me they love me and that I'm the "bestest mommy in the whole wide world."

- Having a husband who reminds me constantly that I'm beautiful, be it in random texts, little "I love you" calls and a simple stare of adornment from him. Also for always being on my side when I feel wronged or hurt by someone.

- Parents who raised me to love with all I am and with every inch of my being. they have given me the roots and foundation to be the kind of parent they were and I still learn every day from them. Also parents (step too) and a brother who support me in everything I do.

- A functioning and strong, steady, and precise right hand that ables me to do my craft, makeup artistry. My senses. My eysight for seeing all things, especially detail. My hearing so I can listen to my sweet sons voices. My sense of smell so I can appreciate all the scents of the Earth. Taste so i can enjoy the cuisines of the worlds and touch, so I can feel the sweet caress of my husband.

-A home that keeps the cold and heat out and protects me and my dear family from danger.

- Food which sustains our bodies and feeds my hungry and growing boys (all 4 of them...Matt included).

- A Gospel which has given me the knowledge of life after death, a living Christ, all things created from God's hand and the splendor of life which we get to experience every day.

-A Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ who sent me to Earth to be a child of my lovely mother and father and who entrusted me to be the mother of my 3. Also to send Matt my way so that my life can be blessed with a loving, caring, and healthy Eternal marriage.


just the five of us said...

I love your list. I asked my children to make lists and I had to condence them. It is so wonderful that we live in such a fantastic time, that lets us have the freedom, technology, etc. Can you imagine living in the dark ages? Happy Thanksgiving!

Mark and Renee Davis and Family said...
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Mark and Renee Davis and Family said...

We are very blessed. Living on the other side of the world makes you aware of that fact.

Courtney said...

Are you nauseous and pregnant right now?? Good list...Hope you had a Happy sounds like you did!

Raina said...

I hope your thanksgiving was great! What a great idea to write what we are thankful for.

the Painters said...

NO NOT preggo right now...just thinking about how blessed I was to have endured that. I've dealt with a LOT of hard times in my life but that takes the cake as pure H#LL.

The Barb Chronicles said...

Hey. Don't I wish the baby would come sooner! I am trying everything. I just want to see her, we have waited a long time. How are you?

james n mary said...

hahaha at first i thought you were a prego princess...AGAIN and so soon! lol! i love it. your list is great. your testimony is strong. go sarah!