Friday, September 19, 2008

Lizards and tests

So I had to take a 40 minute 30 question timed test in one of my ASU classes online. I put Alec to bed for a nap, sit Kaden in front of the tv so I can concentrate and asked him to please not come ask me any question til I let him know he can. This test was important for my overall grade. So everything is going well. All of a sudden, I hear Alec crying telling me he is poopy. I RUN to his room and he has already taken off his diaper, wiped his OWN butt and is ready for a new diaper. I don't have time so I just tell him to go get in the bath. He goes in, turns the water on and after about 5 minutes, I tell him to turn off the water. He does. I finally feel like I can concentrate as I only have about 29 minutes left of my HARD test and am only on question #6. Well it was a half day today at school todayand Kaden stayed home from school today so I knew Bryce would be home any minute (we have a carpool). So I hear the car pull up to drop him off and by this time I have about 15 minutes left and am on question #17. I'm stressing out big time. Alec's still in the bath and is just fine. the bathroom is right next to our office/guestroom where I am taking my test. Ok so I hear Kaden go open the door for Bryce then all of a sudden I hear "Kaden don't let that LIZARD IN! KADEN GO GET MOM. IT'S IN THE HOUSE IT'S IN THE HOUSE!" So yeah, a HUGE lizard runs fast into our house and goes underneath the couch. the boys are screaming, I'm screaming out of panic and fear of that bacteria infested sewer lizard running to my bedroom onto my bed, underneath it, WHATEVER! The thought of it going into my dresser and clothes or just BEING somewhere I don't know was not gonna happen so I now have a mission, FIND THAT LIZARD!!!! We remove the couch, start lowly swinging the broom handle and finally it runs off into Alec's way. I go in there, see it climb up his curtain, finds a hole in the seam of the curtain and goes in it. So now the lizard is INSIDE the curtain. Kill me. So I take that darn curtain off the wall, go outside and now have to rip it apart to find that stinking lizard. By this moment, I want to torture the thing. I find it and HUCK it about 20 feet across the yard. My little boys are creaming with glee and fear. Fear because they are afraid I'll get bit and glee cause they can't beleive their MOM just acted like Godzilla throwing a bus across the New York skyline.
now I am exhausted.......


Tyson said...

That is a fabulous story! I totally respect you for going to school and being a mom. I can't immagine how challenging that is, but I know you can handle it. I have to give you props for taking care of that lizzard, I don't think I could have done that.

Debbie said...

Sarah, you are awesome!!!! I hope the test went well but the memory of you seeking, finding and conquering "the beast" is one that your kids will never forget!!! You can truly say, "I am woman....hear me roar!!!"

Kasey said...

So...did you get your test done?
That's always how things go. If you HAVE to do something 10 other things come up. It's craziness! That's how you know things are important. Satan is working so hard to discourage us and throw in the towel. Glad you got the lizard out.