Saturday, September 27, 2008


Almost 4 years ago when we bought the house, we were strapped for any extra money. Matt was in and out of odd end jobs and I was not bringing in any income as I didn't have a job yet. We held a garage sale and sold all our old things we didn't need anymore. We sold my beloved snowboard for $50...the parting was dramatic for me (not really) as it was my old faithful friend for 10 years. It had been scraped, banged, bruised, grinded on, taken some seriously heavy falls and has carried me down many a mountain in my younger days. Fast forward 4 years. Matt and I plan a Utah snowboard trip in January.....but I am sad because my old friend is gone until I got home last night and found THIS waiting for me!My dear sweetheart bought it for me while I was at work. He said it was a late birthday present. The bindings are white and pink and even the stomp pads are pink hearts. I LOVE it! Thank you honey. You done good!
I told Matt to pretend it was HIS girly he did this girley faceBryce and momma


Kasey said...


The Welker Family said...

What a sweet hubby!

Raina said...

Love the colors! Your a dare devil girl!

Carol said...

wow that is freaking awesome! nice hubby for sure!!!

J,B,A,P Hatch said...


The Barb Chronicles said...

Can your husband talk to mine? :-) That is such a cute board! Love it. have fun using it, and if you ever find yourself in Flag, give us a call.

james n mary said...

YAY sarah! i know how much you love snowboarding and to see that, your eyes must have bugged out!