Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Dark Knight

We finally saw it last night. Well Matt saw it before but he wanted to see it again and wow, what a movie. You truly feel the loss of such a great actor as Heath Ledger. He was captivating in a sick way, psychotic, twisted, charismatic, sickly funny, crazy, animated, and really showed the insane side of his character. It's a true sadness thinking that he won't make anymore movies to entertain. What an actor! If he doesn't get a nomination for an academy for this movie, then something's wrong. I looked forward to every scene he was in. Christian Bale was amazing too, real easy on the eyes... lol. But that Heath Ledger, I've never seen a better actor in any movie, except maybe Russel Crowe in A Beautiful Mind.
RIP Heath (gay I know but you'll get it after seeing this movie)


Raina said...

I will have to put it on my list of movies to see! For the previews Heath did look wicked! Ahhh, I don't like scary movies.

The Dixon Family said...

I love Christian Bale as well! Ever since the Empire of the Sun and Newsies days. And when I told that to my 16 year old sister, she said, "Ew. He's kinda old". *Sigh*

Castle Family said...

Christian Bale=yummy!! Haha, good movie too, a little dark...but good.

Agnes said...

is it really as "dark" as some people say it is? I made Tim see it without me. Glad you got to get out with your hubby :)