Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ladies man

Bryce is 9 and has always been a lover of the ladies.
He is so charming and is definitely not
the type of kid
to be mean to girls or hurt them when really,
he likes them. I have always
known that he is a tender heart in the "love" department
and a softy but today marked the best quote from him ever.
"Mom, I like this girl in my class and today I made her laugh 4 times!"
I love this kid and I can't wait to watch him grow and
develop into a little man. He is such a fine,
refined kid already
so I'm just sitting back and enjoying the youth.


Marvia said...

What a sweetie!

Grandma a/k/a Kathy said...

How cute is that!! What a sweet boy!

Natalie Lundberg said...

That is soo sweet. I'd like to meet him sometime!

Lena Hägg Wilson said...

That's my boy!
Love, from Mormor

Hadley Family Clan! said...

What a fun son you have. That's too cute that he remembers how many times he made the girl laugh.

Unknown said...

TOo cute!