Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bryce's birthday and Alec's mascara!

Yup, my oldest is 9! WEIRD! He had a party with just 2 friends cause all the other 3 he invited were either grounded (funny I know) or out of town as we had the party at the beginning of Spring Break.

We call this picture of Kaden "the Joker". It's taken from the pic above. I also like Alec's expression in the above.

So Alec is getting into EVERYTHING now. I mean, EVERYTHING! He dumped out my whole purse, got into my mascara and put it on! At least he knows where it goes right?

What I like most though, is Alec "drawing" on our comforter with my mascara wand. Thank you Alec for being a little TERROR!

1 comment:

Agnes said...

looks like someone is in a little trouble, opps... :)Gotta love kids!