Januray 29th, 2006 was the best day of my life. I had been in labor for about 11 hours and only about 2 of those 11 were painful (thank you epidural, my life saver) and I could not wait to meet my sweet little baby boy. I pushed for about 12 minutes and out he came! A beautiful, healthy 8 pounder, 6 oz little bean! It's been 3 years. Happy birthday to my beautiful baby boy...well, hardly a baby anymore. Here are some nicknames I have for Alec. Cookoo-bear, alligator (cause he swaddles himself every single night with his blanket as he rolls and rolls like an alligator. He stops rolling when the blanket is tight around him....cute huh?), and my little goose. He really is a great little boy. He does say shut up a lot (we are working on that with frequent time outs....hey, he has 2 older brothers to learn bad words from!) but he has the kindest, sweetest most loving nature. He loves to cuddle, touch your face and just smother you with kisses. He will be a little lover of the ladies for sure!
Funny thing is last night was the very first time I have ever seen him throw a full on fit. He dropped to his stomach, extended his legs, kicked them, wailed his arms and cried, the whole bit all cause he didn't want to go to bed. So hey, no fits that big til the eve of his 3rd birthday? We're ok with that....but I hear the terrible 3's are the new 2's....i just cannot wait! (insert sarcasm).

I love this picture. Alec does this even now with his bottom lip when he's sad.

Happy birthday, Alec! So exciting. He's such a sweet boy. You are lucky. Trey has already thrown a couple fits like that. Yikes.
Happy Birthday! This morning when I looked at the date I was like it's Alec's birthday. You know how much I LOVE birthdays:). You are so sweet with the kind words you wrote about your sweet boy. He is so cute and ya I hear you with the word shut up...Brooklyn started saying Please Shup bup...I'm like oh great but at least she says Please 1st.
happy birthday alec!!
Happy Birthday Alec! He's a sweetie!
ummm...he's three?! OMG! i don't believe it! where'd the time go?! and he seriously had his first "tantrum" just now?! w-o-w!!!
What an awesome boy! He is so stinkin' cute!! Happy Birthday, Alec!!
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