Sunday, November 09, 2008

My Saturday

I had one of the most funnest Saturday's I've had in a while yesterday. It started a little hectic as Alec would not stop getting into EVERYTHING imaginable while I was trying to get ready for work. Matt took Bryce and Kaden with him to play basketball (or sbasketball, as Alec says) so it was just me and Alec. I love this boy, even though he can stress me out sometimes. He makes me laugh so much though. He always wants to hop around like a bunny, read books, LOVES the cartoon, Max and Ruby, loves to garden and care for the outside with daddy, loves eating salami and taquito's, really enjoys playing with his big brothers, loves to snuggle like a little baby and is just the giggliest, most adorable little boy ever. I love him so much.
Anyway, work was sooooo much fun yesterday. We are selling these Christmas cards that children with AIDS made and all the money paid for them goes straight to MAC's AIDS fund. We all dressed like children at work.

Me as a little pigtailed girl, Katie as a little girl who got in all her mommy's makeup and Jeni as a little blonde and Luis, as Little Boy Blue.
Me, Katie, Pooja and Luis.THEN straight after work, Matt picked me up (I washed off the rosey cheeks and freckles) and we went to the Scottsdale mall where we met up with my cousin Jenny and her husband Billy for Jenny's birthday night. It is Scottsdale Fashion week and all the designers, models, and paparazzi were there. It was a fun night. We ate at Sauce, walked over to the MAC store, got hot chocolates then went up to the Camelback Inn for desert and sat by the huge fire and listened to live music. We had chocolate fondue and peach cobbler....YUM! It was soooooo nice. Such a great night! I missed the kids but seriosuly, I needed a little "day off." Felt like I was on vacation. Rejuventated me.


Karin said...

Wow! Haven't seen pictures of Jenny in such a long time. To me she's still 8 years old... :)

You both look fab!


Kasey said...

Dressing up is so fun! You look cute with freckles and rosy cheeks.

Debbie said...

Christina (daughter) was telling me that in the depression, there were two things that increased in sales despite the poor economy....liquor and cosmetics!!! So looks like you will have good job security!!! Looks like it was a fun day too!!

james n mary said...

mini-vacays are the best! yay for babysitters huh! we've had sauce before...i guess it's ok?! i was more excited when we went to Sprinkles afterwards!!!

Carol said...

you guys do so many fun things - i love to live vicariously through your blog :)

Agnes said...

WOW...Fun saturday! I'm glad you had a great day at work and a fun night out with your hubby and friends!You are as beautiful as always!:)