Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A twista a twista!!!

We were driving home on Ocotillo road earlier around 1:15p and I looked over to the right and maybe a mile away, this is what I saw!
I shot this pic from my camera. Soon afterwards, the twister broke up and thinned out to just scattered dust in the air. Now I know that we get lots of dust devils here in the Summertime but man oh man, this looked like a total tornado. I have had so many fears and nightmares of tornado's and see ZERO reason to live in the midwest where they are, unless you had to obviously for a job or whatever. I mean, I grew up in earthquakes galore living in the North Bay Area of California and I'm sure people are shocked anyone would live there, but for some reason, tornado's scare the beJEEbers out of me! What the heck man, this 'aint no KANSAS or OKLAHOMA!


The Barb Chronicles said...

Yikes! It does look like a twister! Nice picture taking, I would still be freaking out.

Raina said...

Ever thinking about being a photographer!
Yeah I think you live pretty close to me... I am in the Johnson Ranch area.
I made my blog private, but I would like to add you send me your email address to mine...