Friday, July 11, 2008

Another One of MATT's Random Posts

Isn't she great?!!! Some of the many reasons I love my wife.....

She loves to go to baseball games with her boys. And she actually watches them and doesn't ask me what a walk off home run is...

She is one of the most spiritual people I know. I admire her strength and resolve to have an eternal family. She is a spiritual GIANT!!.....

She has a great sense of humor! We love to laugh at the same things. Our newest tradition is watching WIPEOUT and laughing at the uncoordinated people doing these crazy obstacle courses.

She works extremely hard to provide some extra income for us to have a better life. I am extremely grateful that she has a desire to do this because it gives me more golf money...jk

She never gives up......

on trying to get the perfect picture!!!

She is a great friend. She constantly is making new friends and is quick to make them feel loved and appreciated. She is the most loyal friend a person could ever have.

She is so, so, so Beautiful!! I couldn't have dreamed of having a more beautiful wife and mother to my children.


Connie said...

That was super sweet of him! Sounds like you found youself a nice hubby!! :D Mine could use some lessons from yours!

Agnes said...

Now wasn't that the SWEETEST post ever! I loved that Matt! She is GREAT!

I got your message Sarah, wish I could of been home to make your drive SUPER exciting!You are always thinking 'bout me, Thanks! I'll see ya at church :)

Pace & Gwen said...

SWEET!! Good husband... Pace does well to HEAR my posts, let alone desire to contribute much. But we love them all the same!

The Barb Chronicles said...

Hey. I do remember when Cory, Matt Hess and others would stay. When they would leave I would find snowboarding stickers all over my house. I loved having them come and stay and they did, like 3 other times besides that first time. Gosh, those were some fun times. Barb

The Cronin Family said...

How sweet is youe hubby! I need to show mine this so maybe he'll get the idea! :) Cute blog by the way. I'm glad I found it. :)

justin & mallory coffman said...

oh my gosh sarah, what a cute husband!!!!! that was seriously the sweetest post i have ever seen!!!!

Kasey said...

So sweet! And i"m always trying to get the perfect pic too. That's why my card is always full!